Racial Microaggressions in Our Schools: Course Overview

Racial Microaggressions in Our Schools: Course Overview

This course is valuable to all educators who want to learn about racial microaggressions and understand its negative impact on the academic success of students of color.

Test your unconscious bias... Implicit Project!

Here you will have the opportunity to assess your conscious and unconscious preferences for over 90 different topics ranging from pets to political issues, ethnic groups to sports teams, and entertainers to styles of music. At the same time, you will be assisting psychological research on thoughts and feelings.

Sessions require 10-15 minutes to complete. Each time you begin a session you will be randomly assigned to a topic. Try one or do them all! At the end of the session, you will get some information about the study and a summary of your results. We hope that you will find the experience interesting and informative. Try the Implicit Project!

The Microaggression Process- From Beginning to End.pdf
“Am I overreacting?” Understanding and Combating Microaggressions - Higher Education Today.pdf
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